So I'm finally nearing my goal weight of 120 pounds: I'm at 121.8! Since my birthday, I have been taking it easier, exercising less frequently, and still mostly eating healthy foods, with only occasional forays into junk food.
Helping my weight loss was my recent hair cut, done by me, myself and I. I donated my hair again to Beautiful Lengths, a program from Pantene that encourages women to donate their hair to make wigs for women who lose their own hair to cancer. Since my hair grows fast, I was able to donate most of my hair for the second time in a year.
As a result, I lost nearly a pound of hair. Yay me!
My pants are almost all loose now (excepting a few pairs I've had since university, when I was about 15 pounds lighter), and I don't have to keep pulling my shirts down over my pooch. My bras fit better around my body, but are looser in the cup. That kind of sucks, because shopping for bras is a nightmare. But I digress.
It's so wonderful hearing everyone compliment me at work, particularly since I cut my hair myself. (Did I mention that?) I'm not saying it wasn't hard - it WAS - and it took me an hour and a half, three mirrors, a pair of scissors, a comb, four elastics, many hair clips and bobby pins, and an electric razor with an attachment, but I think it looks okay. A little uneven in the back (hey, I'm not a miracle worker), but once it dries you can hardly tell.
Two more pounds, and then the dreaded bikini photo!