Monday, June 06, 2005

Who, me? Diet? (Part Two)

Well, it's been nearly a month and I'm proud to say we're still sticking to our healthy-eating and exercising regime. I haven't eaten any chips in a month, I didn't throttle my boyfriend while I was PMSing (though I came close to tears a few times), I have a bit more endurance, and I truly think I've lost weight, though I have no idea how much.

(I actually found the scale under the bathroom sink. So much for getting rid of it. But I haven't stepped on it! Still no idea how much I weigh!)

I look better, too. My legs look leaner, overall, though I'm still not entirely pleased with my thighs. Oh, well, eternal struggle and all that. My pooch is disappearing, too. Pooch, y'know, that irritating little pocket of flab, women, between your navel and your pubic bone? "Pooch" sounds better than "sub-abdominal fat sack", anyway. (No, I don't know if that's the genuine medical term for it. Take it up with Gray's Anatomy.) And my hips are getting smaller knickers aren't as tight. It's fabulous!!! And he's lookin' fi-ine, if I do say so myself. Not that he didn't before... oh, you all know what I mean.

Don't get me wrong, I still totally miss chips. I don't eat pasta as often as I used to. Or A&W burgers and fries. I'm not saying «I weel nevah eet zees tings again». We're doing a slim-down phase right now, probably for another month, and to keep ourselves from going crazy Friday is designated "not-so-healthy food" night (Philly melts or pizza and beer for him, chicken fingers or burgers and fries for me, for example). We will gradually move into the 'maintenance' phase, where we slowly start re-introducing the junky foods (Wavy Lays and Doritos) that we miss into our diet, though still making sure we don't eat them too often. That's the trick. We both think our stomachs have shrunk as a result of the smaller portions, as we both get full faster than we used to, so that helps too.

My boyfriend and I compromised on one of my favorite foods: instead of deliciously fatty, salty nachos, I could eat whole wheat pitas, torn into strips, with my hot'n'spicy salsa. They're actually pretty good.

Exercise... well, I'll admit, it's been harder than the eating part. I do Tae Bo once (sometimes twice) a week, I take the stairs up to the apartment about every other day (it's only about five minutes, but it helps), there's my little sprints to catch the bus almost everyday... I hope it adds up.

We rollerbladed to Home Depot and back yesterday (about an hour total). I honestly thought my legs would be killing me today, as I distinctly felt muscles being used that hadn't been used like that since last summer, but I'm fine. I guess this whole exercise thing is actually working. Who'd have thunk it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe its a ponch and not pooch, that flap of flap that hangs over the belt.